Welcome to the Molecular Catalysis group in the School of Chemistry at University of Lincoln. We work at the interface of molecules and materials with primary focus on developing new catalysts for renewable energy applications and sustainable chemistry.
Research Themes
Molecular catalysts for solar-fuels and artificial photosynthesis
Catalyst immobilization and surface chemistry
Porous polymers, metal-organic frameworks and porous thin-films
Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
Hybrid photocatalysts and molecular photoelectrodes
CO2 reduction, H2 evolution, C-H functionalization, PET recycling
Dr. Souvik Roy
Senior Lecturer
University of Lincoln, UK

Oct 2024 - a lot has happened in 2024!
- Tom's paper on MOF films for OER has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
- Raul's work on CO2 photoreduction with Co-based PMO has been published in ACS Appl. Energy Mater.
- Raul has been awarded a fellowship from Ramon Areces Foundation and joins our group as a postdoc, welcome!
- Phoebe Robinson (2nd year undergrad) has done a summer placement in our group funded by RSC Research Bursary.
- Kieron Wilcox has joined as a PhD student, welcome!
- We have received EPSRC International Collaboration Funding to investigate MOF films under electrocatalytic conditions.
- Finally a group picture from summer 2024! left to right - Phoebe, Souvik, Tom and Raul.
July 2023 - Funding from The Royal Society
We've been awarded International Exchanges Grant from the Royal Society to collaborate with Dr Dolores Esquivel's group at University of Cordoba.
May 2023 - Publication in Dalton Trans.
Our collaborative project on electrocatalytic CO2 reduction with molecular Re-terpyridine catalysts in now published in Dalton Transactions. Congratulations to Tom for his first paper!
March 2023 - Funding from College of Science and new group members
We have been awarded College mini grant from University of Lincoln to build a continuous flow electrolyser!
Raul joins out group as a visiting PhD student from University of Cordoba for four months. Rhiannon starts as a MRes student to develop MOF-films for electrochemical application. Welcome to both!
Jan 2023 - Paper in Nanoscale
Our collaborative project with Mª Ángeles', Dolores (University of Cordoba) and Christian (CEST) on CO2 reduction with periodic mesoporous organosilica is now published in Nanoscale.
Mar 2021 - Funding from The Royal Society!
Our Research Grant application has been successful, this will provide funding for equipment to develop conductive porous polymers.
Jan 2021 - Funding from RSC!
We've received Research Enablement Grant from RSC to develop hybrid z-scheme photocatalysts.
Jan 2021 - First paper of 2021 in ACS Catalysis
Electrocatalytic and solar-driven reduction of aqueous CO2 with molecular
cobalt phthalocyanine–metal oxide hybrid materials
April 2020 - New paper in Angew. Chem.
Hybrid electrolyzer with molecular electrodes for glycerol oxidaiton coupled to CO2 reduction